We give end users THE CONNECTED LIFE EXPERIENCE® – the SEAMLESS, EFFORTLESS, AND ROBUST CONNECTIVITY EXPERIENCE they expect, and shows property owners how to BREAK THE BOUNDS OF UNINSPIRED CONNECTIVITY to increase revenue, improve customer and resident satisfaction and ultimately increase the value of their property.
We offer complete guest, resident and customer internet and connectivity solutions, including enterprise-class software, network design, engineering, professional services, ongoing maintenance, network monitoring, multi-lingual support, revenue reporting and authentication tracking.
We currently serve over 3,600 customers globally—comprised of over 1 million guest rooms and apartment units—across multiple industries including hospitality, student housing, multi family and senior living.
In 2020 we launched the Connected Life Platform™— a world-class fully integrated wireless connectivity software platform to enhance customer opportunity and experience. Connected Life Platform™ offers property and venue owners a wide range of opportunities to leverage the latest advancements in wireless connectivity including 5G, Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi Certified Passpoint®, and next-generation IoT. The Connected Life Platform™ Provides a single integrated network management plane for delivering fully managed solutions that optimize your guests’, residents’, and customers’ Connected Life Experience®.
Key benefits and services include:
24x7 Live Phone Support takes burden off your staff as our highly trained, guest and resident service-oriented technicians answer 100% of user support calls.
Proactive Network Monitoring minimizes service disruptions and enhances user experience.
Converged IP Network Design, deployment and maintenance allow for multiple applications to be delivered through a single source.
Wi-Fi Authentication and Access Portals enable you to customize your users’ experiences.
Network Optimization and Network Access Control (NAC) extends the life of existing infrastructure equipment by intelligently managing bandwidth and security as well as allowing for easy takeover.
Whether your property has a state-of-the-art network infrastructure or legacy equipment, we can save you costs by extending its service life, lowering its total cost of ownership (TCO) and enhancing your guest satisfaction without major investments. With Single Digits, you’ll have the flexibility to leverage commercial, off-the-shelf equipment to eliminate the need to purchase costly, custom merchandise.
Above all, we recognize the importance of customer retention and we are committed to making your network users feel as welcome as possible.